Healthy Vegan Fridays #13
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Happy Lucky Healthy Vegan Friday! I think it’s lucky because it’s the thirteen week since I teamed up with Kimmy. My co-host and I have a new standing date night to co-blog IRL every Thursday night, so not only do I get to have awesome company while I write this, but she EVEN COOKS ME DINNER! You wish you had a Kimmy in your life, don’t you? Well, get your own. This one is mine mine all mine.
The recipe that everyone voted for the most last week was a cake that only makes one serving, is cooked in a microwave, and is sweetened with stevia. I thought Strength & Sunshine was all grown up. This oversight was probably due to the fact that when I was in college, I primarily lived on ramen and coffee, and she’s like a superstar chef. If you, like her, are also into really small servings of cake (which seems silly, because it’s cake, and therefore the best thing ever), you might like my koala cupcake recipe since it only makes 3 cupcakes.
This week, I’ll be submitting my scalloped pizza bites…
…as well as my enchilada mini cakes.
My favorite HVF recipe this week was the strawberry sushi with chocolate sauce by Green Gourmet Giraffe. These are not only super adorbs, but they remind me of this place by my old house that I used to drive by and always wondered about called Chocolate Sushi & Tofu House. I always envisioned people dipping sushi rolls into a pot of chocolate fondue.
In addition to bringing you this blog party, my lovely co-host Kimmy and I are also participating in VeganMoFo for the month of September. What this means to you is that we will be posting on our blogs almost every single day, so you might have to swim through all the content to find the HVF posts. However, this also means that we might be sharing some super yummy recipes with the blog party.
To preserve your privacy, I've decided to remove the commenting feature from this website. However, I still VERY MUCH want to hear from you. If you have any questions about this recipe or just general comments, please reach me via my email or Instagram.