Pokemon Go Workout

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Pokemon Go Workout flier

Rainy season is right around the corner. On the upside, this means snowboarding is almost here! On the downside, this means I won’t want to leave my house for any activities that aren’t completely necessary (like grocery shopping, working, and frolicking through the woods dressed as a flower fairy). This means no bike riding, no walking, and worst of all, no pokemon go. GASP!

Luckily, Kimmy and I have anticipated this dry spell in our future outdoor fitness and pokemon go plans, and we’re planning one last fun outdoor adventure before the rain and below-70-degree weather set in. We’d love for you to join us!

Kimmy is a trained fitness instructor, so you’ll be in good hands. I’m an avid pokemon trainer who plans to drop lures on all of the pokestops in an effort to catch something more exciting than a pidgey or rattata. If you don’t play Pokemon Go, that’s okay! It’s not a requirement for the workout, and your extra focus will probably help you get in shape faster than the rest of us. If you hate fitness and are wayyyyy out of shape (like me), that’s okay too! Kimmy will be offering modified versions of everything we do so you can choose your own pace.

Here’s the deets.

Do you like to exercise?

Do you hate to exercise, but like playing Pokemon Go?

Do you love animals and want to support a fundraiser for a good cause?

This Sunnyvale pokemon go workout is for everyone!

On Saturday, Nov 19, we’ll meet up at Washington Park in Sunnyvale (the Pastoria side) at 10am to sign waivers and get acquainted. Then Kimmy will walk us through a series of circuit training exercises, offering more challenging and less challenging versions of each for people of different skill levels. Together, we can walk or run from one pokestop to the next, stopping at each one to do a different exercise. The workout should last between 30 and 60 minutes.

This event is a fundraiser for the Goats of Anarchy. We are collecting donations in advance or at the event. We suggest a donation of $5-$20, but any amount you can afford helps the baby goats.

Make sure you arrive on time. Bring your donation (cash or venmo, if you didn’t donate in advance), a water bottle (optional, but recommended), and your phone (only if you want to play Pokemon Go). There’s a parking area on Pastoria where you can park alongside the park.

We’ll meet at the plant circle in front of the brick building with a sign that says, “Washington Pool.”

If you have any questions, leave a comment on this post or email me.

ALL of the proceeds benefit the Goats of Anarchy!

Pokemon Go workout

If you love pokemon, check out my category of vegan Pokemon-themed recipes.

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