Vegan Bake Sale & Yard Sale 2017
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Kimmy, Ashley, Lizzie, and I are organizing a yard and bake sale to raise money for 2 furry siblings who need help with their medical bills.
Macy is a loving kitty who’s been sick for over a month, and Snowpea is an empathetic pup with back pain and a recently discovered lump that needed to be tested. We want to show them how much we love them by hosting this fundraiser. 100% of the proceeds of this yard sale and bake sale will go directly towards helping Macy and Snowpea get better.
If you love animals (or if you hate animals, but you love shopping or eating vegan desserts), come out to the fundraiser and say hi, hang out, and get some treats.
We will also be serving cold brew coffee, hibiscus lemonade, and possibly mimosas (is that legal?). Kimmy will be making some gluten-free people treats and some dog treats as well, so feel free to bring your pups to come and eat and play. Here’s a sneak peek at our menu!
The yard sale / bake sale will be held from 8am-noon on Sunday, August 13, 2017. The neighborhood is near downtown Sunnyvale (walking distance from the Sunnyvale caltrain station). Feel free to email me for the address. I hope to see some friends come out. It should be fun!
To preserve your privacy, I've decided to remove the commenting feature from this website. However, I still VERY MUCH want to hear from you. If you have any questions about this recipe or just general comments, please reach me via my email or Instagram.