Healthy Vegan Friday #6
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Healthy Vegan Fridays is a community-based online event that encourages people to share their plant-based recipes and food ideas that are nutritious and wholesome. It was started and is hosted by food bloggers and recipe creators who are passionate about promoting veganism and healthy living.
Every Friday, participants can share their Healthy Vegan Fridays recipes on the hosts websites and through social media using the hashtag #HealthyVeganFridays. The recipes must be vegan, meaning they don’t contain any animal products such as meat, dairy, eggs, or honey.
The purpose of Healthy Vegan Fridays is to create a supportive and inclusive community that inspires people to incorporate more vegan meals into their diet while prioritizing their health and the health of animals.
Summer marks the season of birthdays at the Vegan Dollhouse, so prepare for more birthday treats than you ever thought possible. Today is Jessica’s birthday, which is just the first of the many summer birthdays I’ll be making treats for this summer.
Jessica requested strawberry shortcake so I made these for her birthday party.
Next week, I’ll be making my Lemony Snicket cupcakes for Mia’s birthday (birthdays, birthdays, everywhere). They may not be the healthiest recipe in the world, but each cupcake has the equivalent of about a third of a lemon (including the peel!). If my math is correct, that means each cupcake has about 21% of our daily recommended value of vitamin C–how’s that for healthy? And since it’s birthday season, every recipe I submit will probably be birthday desserts until the end of summer, so if you think I’m bringing HVF to the darkside, I welcome comments putting me in my place.
I missed farmer’s market last weekend to go to the jPop Summit in lolita attire, so the recipe I’ll be submitting this week was something I invented for Vanessa’s birthday (birthdays, birthdays, everywhere). These Snickers Cupcakes kind of teeter on the line of being healthy. I’m calling them healthy, because they’re gluten-free, they have wayyyyy less sugar than most of my sweets, and they have a ton of protein (peanuts, peanut butter, chickpea flour, fava bean flour, etc).
I’m not sure how long it takes other people to actually move in to a new house, but I feel so behind! I still haven’t hung my curtains or blinds. I still have boxes in my garage that haven’t been unpacked. There are still pictures that haven’t been framed and/or hung. And I STILL do not have a dishwasher!
My dollhousewarming party is TOMORROW, and I’m soooo not ready at all. Is it too late to cancel it?
The silver lining is that the recipe everyone loved the most last week for Healthy Vegan Fridays was my Pressed Salad.
Another exciting birthday coming up is that of my Healthy Vegan Fridays co-host Kimmy! Happy Birthday Kimmy!!! (If that was a secret, I’ll let you punish me later ; )
To preserve your privacy, I've decided to remove the commenting feature from this website. However, I still VERY MUCH want to hear from you. If you have any questions about this recipe or just general comments, please reach me via my email or Instagram.