Healthy Vegan Fridays #15
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Happy Healthy Vegan Friday! Not only is it the 15th week that my co-host Kimmy and I have been doing healthy vegan fridays together, but it’s also the 20th birthday of Millennium Restaurant! I’m super excited to be celebrating their birthday with them this week, and I hope to have a chance soon to write a review of my experience at this unique birthday party.
Awwwww I’m so honored that my Veggie Millet Bites were one of your favorite recipes from last week!
I was in charge of sending the food for the vegetarians on a recent field trip, and I sent these. I thought the kids might like the cute shapes.
I made some gluten-free pancakes over the weekend with chickpea flour and coconut flour and some other flours I had lying around. I, of course, had to add chocolate chips, because chocolate makes everything better, but I think they still qualify as healthy so I thought I would mention it, even thought they didn’t make it onto the website.
This week, in lieu of submitting a recipe, I will be sharing my process of how to make cold brew. I know there’s a huge debate as to whether or not coffee is healthy, but if you are going to drink it, this is at least a healthier way to consume it, as opposed to injecting it directly into my veins, which I will admit to having considered on more than one occasion in life.
I’m preparing for my trip to NYC. I’m leaving tomorrow, but if you’d like to share in my food eating adventure, feel free to follow me on instagram: @vegandollhouse. And if you ever want to know where to eat when you go to New York City, here’s my yelp list. I have these lists for a ton of cities because I’m addicted to organization, so follow me on yelp and check out all my other bookmark collections.
Okey dokey kiddokis! See you next Friday!
To preserve your privacy, I've decided to remove the commenting feature from this website. However, I still VERY MUCH want to hear from you. If you have any questions about this recipe or just general comments, please reach me via my email or Instagram.