Healthy Vegan Fridays #24
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Happy Healthy Vegan Friday! My co-host Kimmy is happily giving thanks in sunny California, while I am attempting to stay warm in chilly Atlanta, Georgia. My friend, Chelsie, and I spent today cooking pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin pie, gravy, biscuits, mac-n-cheese, and green bean casserole. Tomorrow, we’ll be making tofurkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and brussel sprouts for dinner. We’ll probably be eating all weekend long. Oink oink.
Before I came to Atlanta, Kimmy and I baked some mocha cupcakes with coffee whipped cream filling and mocha frosting, and I’m pretty sure she made icky faces the entire time, because she doesn’t like coffee (HOW DO THESE PEOPLE EXIST?!). I hope Marcie appreciates the sacrifice Kimmy made for her to have an awesomely yummy wedding eve (that’s the official term for the night before your wedding right?).
Here are some recipes from all of you that I’d like to share.
I might be able to get myself to eat this Nutty Coconut Quinoa Porridge from Urban Naturale if I pretend that this is the kind of porridge that goldilocks and the three bears eat, because that’s cute. Otherwise, this looks wayyyy to healthy for me. I can see why this got so many votes in the healthy vegan fridays competition.
My favorite recipe from the Halloween submissions is these Monster Cake & Monster Rice Krispies from Green Gourmet Giraffe.
I’m dying of cute overload! These were by far my favorite holiday recipe this Halloween. Monster rice krispie treats! Brilliant! Just make sure you don’t use M&Ms like she did. Skittles are vegan though, and are just as cute (possibly cuter). I wonder if a licorice mouth would be cute too.
This week, I will be sharing a recipe for what I call chocolate salad cake. I just sort of combined my carrot cake recipe with my chocolate zucchini cake recipe and it turned out delicious. Since it contains 4 cups of grated veggies, I count it as being healthy, even though it’s still cake.
Everyone is outside sitting by the campfire (and hopefully telling stories), so I’m going to skidaddle on out there and see what these Atlantians do for fun.
Please submit your vegan blog posts to Healthy Vegan Fridays!
To preserve your privacy, I've decided to remove the commenting feature from this website. However, I still VERY MUCH want to hear from you. If you have any questions about this recipe or just general comments, please reach me via my email or Instagram.