Vegan Confetti Cookie Chocolate Pudding Cups
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♫ Listening to: Boys by Charlie XCX ♫
If you’re a chocoholic like I am, and you live near a Veggie Grill, then you’ve more than likely inhaled your fair share of vegan chocolate parfait. This recipe is similar to the chocolate pudding Veggie Grill uses in their parfait, only I put it into cookie cups because not only am I not a fan of pie crust, but I also like that scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where Willy Wonka eats the tea cup after sipping the tea.
Vegan Confetti Cookies Ingredients
Dollhouse Shortcut
Skip the cookie cups, and just make the pudding in glasses.
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- ½ teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon baking soda
- ¼ teaspoon fine salt
- ¼ cup vegan sprinkles
- 1 cup organic sugar or evaporated cane juice
- ½ cup sunflower, safflower, or coconut oil
- ¼ cup water
Vegan Confetti Cookies Directions
Whisk together sugar, oil, and water until smooth (I use a stand mixer for ~2 minutes).
Whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a separate bowl.
Add the flour mixture to the sugar mixture, and then stir with a wooden spoon or a rubber spatula until just combined and no flour is visible.
Place dough in plastic bag and refrigerate for 12-24 hours.
Preheat the oven to 350° F.
Coat the cubbies in a mini muffin pan with oil.
Roll the dough between 2 sheets of parchment paper as thinly as possible (I rolled mine to ⅙”).
Cut out a circle (use a round cookie cutter, a jar lid, or a glass).
Place the circle into a muffin cubby and press gently until it sinks down into the cubby. Repeat with remaining cubbies.
Bake for 8 minutes. Let cool completely before removing from pan.
Set the cookie cups onto a pan or tray.
You’ll have some leftover dough that you can make into cutout cookies.
Vegan Chocolate Pudding Ingredients
- 1 12 ounce package of organic firm silken tofu (wrapped in a towel for a few minutes)
- ¼ cup organic sugar (you can substitute any evaporated cane juice)
- ¼ cup nondairy milk
- 1 cup vegan chocolate chips (I like Guittard because it’s fair-trade)
Vegan Chocolate Pudding Directions
Melt the vegan chocolate chips in a saucepan on low heat, stirring occasionally.
Blend the tofu, nondairy milk, and sugar until it’s smooth and creamy.
Add the melted vegan chocolate chips to the blender, scraping the sides with a silicone spatula to make sure it all gets blended, and blend again until it’s smooth and creamy.
Spoon the blended ingredients into the funfetti cookie cups. (Spoon any leftover pudding into small dishes.)
Chill the pudding cups in the freezer for 30-60 minutes or in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
Similar Recipes
If you like this chocolate mousse filling, but the cookie cups seem like too much work, you might want to check out my nutella pie.
Here’s a video of me making them.
* I use mostly organic ingredients when I cook, but I realize that not everyone has the disposable income to purchase all organic ingredients. Therefore, I only specify organic on the ingredients that really matter - when buying the organic version is the only way to ensure that the item is vegan.
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