Cookie Pops

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Vegan Cookie Pops

Indulge in delicious cookie pops. A fun and easy treat for any occasion, they’re chewy, sweet, filled with chocolate, and coated in sprinkles. 🍪🍫

This recipe should make around 9 lollipop cookies.

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Beggin for Thread by Banks

There are so many reasons you should make these stuffed cookie lollipops.

  1. To give to friends as gifts
  2. As a thank-you-for-coming-to-my-birthday-party gift
  3. To leave for Santa on Christmas Eve
  4. To stuff stockings with
  5. To bring to a holiday cookie exchange

Are you convinced yet? No. Well, keep scrolling. Once you find out what the secret surprise hidden inside the cookie pop is, you might change your mind.

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(jump to the substitutions section to see ingredient details and suggestions for substitutions)

  • ½ cup (88g) vegan butter or margarine
  • ¾ cup (170g) organic or vegan sugar
  • 1 teaspoon (4g) vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons (28g) water
  • 1 ¼ cups (162g) flour
  • 1 ½ tablespoons (12g) arrowroot starch
  • ½ teaspoon (2g) baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon (2g) baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon (1g) salt
  • 3 (93g) Amy's Minty Bars or other candy bars
  • 9 lollipop sticks
  • vegan sprinkles

prep time: 20 min | bake time: 15 min

Dollhouse Shortcut

Use store bought vegan cookie dough instead of making your own.

Process the vegan butter, sugar, and vanilla in a food processor until smooth. If you don’t have a food processor , you can use a stand mixer or a handheld electric mixer, or just mix by hand.

Add 2 tablespoons of water. Continue mixing.

Mix the flour, arrowroot powder , baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a large bowl.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients.

Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).

Stick 9 lollipop sticks into 9 Amy's Minty candy bars (they come 3 squares in each package, so 3 candy bars equals 9 squares).

vegan cookie pops before wrapping in cookie dough

Wrap between 1 ½ and 2 ounces of cookie dough around each candy square. You want them to be similar in size to a golf ball. My cookie dough recipe makes 18 ounces of cookie dough, so you can make 9 cookie lollipops if you use 2 ounces of dough on each one.

vegan cookie dough balls the size of golf balls

Dip one side of the cookie dough lolli in vegan sprinkles and set onto the 3 parchment paper lined baking sheets (with the non-sprinkled side down). Make sure you leave a lot of space between each cookie because they spread out a lot. I only put 3 cookie pops on each baking sheet.

vegan cookie pops before baking

Bake for 15 minutes at 350°F (175°C).

Remove the cookie sheets from the oven, and leave the baked cookie pops on the baking sheets for a couple of minutes before transferring them to cooling rack.

If you’re feeling fun, you can tie bows around the sticks like I did.

vegan cookie pops with rainbow sprinkles

You can also decorate them with christmas colored vegan sprinkles if you want christmas cookie pops for the holidays. These are perfect vegan christmas cookies to leave out for Santa. For other holiday cookie pops, use appropriate colored sprinkles for each occasion.

vegan cookie pops for christmas

Frequently Asked Questions

For chocolate chip cookie pops, simply add 1/2 cup of mini vegan chocolate chips. You could regular sized chocolate chips, but they might not look as pretty, so I recommend minis.

  • Butter: My favorite is the organic whipped Earth Balance, but if you avoid soy, you can buy the soy-free Earth Balance.
  • Sugar: For the sugar in this recipe, you can use any number of sugars, as long as they’re vegan: sucanat, coconut sugar, raw sugar, organic sugar, or vegan sugar. If you’re not sure if your sugar is vegan, you can contact the company and ask, but basically, just avoid conventional white sugar or granulated sugar, and you should be ok.
  • Vanilla Extract: Vanilla flavoring, vanilla extract, and vanilla powder can be used interchangeably. Just make sure you add powdered vanilla with the dry ingredients and vanilla extract or flavor with the wet ingredients.
  • Flour: I use organic, unbleached, all-purpose flour because it’s a very good deal at Costco. However, you can use whatever flour you have. To make these cookies gluten-free, just replace the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour blend.
  • Arrowroot: Arrowroot Powder, Arrowroot Flour, and Arrowroot Starch are the same thing, but with different names. You can also substitute corn starch using a 1:1 ratio replacement. I recommend using organic or non-GMO cornstarch if you do this.
  • Baking Powder: I use the non-aluminum baking powder, because I need all the brain cells I have left. Out of baking powder? Replace the ½ teaspoon baking powder in this recipe with a couple large pinches of baking soda.
  • Baking Soda: Out of baking soda? Replace the ½ teaspoon baking soda with an extra ½ tablespoon baking powder.
  • Amy’s Minty Bars: Since I created this recipe, Amy’s has stopped carrying their Amy's Minty candy bars in stores, and they only sell them at their drive-thrus now. So, instead of minty bars, I recommend looking through my list of vegan candy to find an alternative. Or, you can use Newman O's instead.
  • Lollipop Sticks: I know lollipop sticks aren’t an ingredient, but since they’re something you need to make edible cookie pops, I figured we should mention them. If you don’t have lollipop sticks, and you don’t want to purchase any, you can forgo the sticks altogether and make stuffed cookies instead. or if you have your heart set on cookie pops for dessert, you can use wooden popsicle sticks.
  • Vegan Sprinkles: I used I used Sweets & Treats jimmies and quins for this recipe, but you can look at my entire list of vegan sprinkles for other options.

Nutrition Facts

  • Servings: 9
  • Calories per serving: 256
  • Calcium per serving: 17mg
  • Cholesterol per serving: 0mg
  • Dietary Fiber per serving: 1g
  • Iron per serving: 2mg
  • Potassium per serving: 21mg
  • Protein per serving: 2g
  • Total Carbohydrate per serving: 38g
  • Total Fat per serving: 12g
  • Total Sugars per serving: 23g
  • Sodium per serving: 235mg

Comments or Questions?

If you make this homemade cookie pops recipe, I would love it if you’d snap a pic, post to instagram, and tag me @vegandollhouse. It seriously makes my day/week/month!

Please message me (instagram or email) if you have any questions or feedback about the recipe.

Similar Recipes

If you’re looking for other recipe using Amy’s Minty candy bars, check out my peppermint bark recipe and my mint chocolate milkshake.

If you like cute vegan cookies, you might also like my unicorn cookies and

For other vegan sprinkle cookies, my vegan dunkaroos have a funfetti dip that is filled with sprinkles. I also have a funfetti chocolate chip cookies recipe that’s even easier than this cookie pop recipe.


I use mostly organic ingredients when I cook, but I realize that not everyone has the disposable income to purchase all organic ingredients. Therefore, I only specify organic on the ingredients that really matter - when buying the organic version is the only way to ensure that the item is vegan.

This post links to items I mention. If you click on one, you will go to a website (like Amazon) where you can buy the product. Sometimes, the store you purchase from (Amazon, Etsy, etc.) will pay me for referring you. This costs you nothing extra, and I would never recommend a product that I don’t use. These affiliate programs help me buy ingredients to create recipes for you. Read more about this in my privacy policy.

This post was made possible thanks to the support of Amy’s Kitchen. All content and opinions are unbiased and entirely my own.



I have never pay to much of the attention for the vegan desserts. Until this year where one of my closest friends is vegan. I must admit it's a bit hard thing go the caffe bars and everything when you are going out. Just for the reason that I have never need to pay attention, but I'm loving reading about it and learning. I'll try this recipe for sure looks delicious :D
MarcellasMind -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Who needs reasons! If i get hold of the ingredients Il make it for myself with no reason but to simply enjoy them! hehe Vegan twist of everything is really interesting to know about!
Kanishka Acharya -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

These are so cute! Great idea for a cookie exchange or as a small gift for a neighbor!
Jennifer Maune -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

These look so delicious - and so cute! Perfect little office Christmas gift.
Ebony -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Absolutely delicious looking cookies - and I love that they are vegan <3 Will be following your blog - thanks! :)
Monika -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐